We have door openers for you!

You are in the B2B business and would like to expand to new countries. Apart from minor localization, your solution is fully location-independent, and thus you could easily serve foreign clients.

However, the big challenge is how to reach companies in a foreign country when you have no networks there, no brand presence, and you do not know the local business culture or speak the local language.

You need door openers - local people who have relevant industry expertise, necessary connections, and see the value your offering provides. These door openers will make introductions and connect you with the right people at the right companies. They do not typically do the selling for you but provide you with the opportunity to pitch your sales to the right audience.

But how do you find people who 1) have the right industry experience and 2) are interested in your offering? The first part is easy; you can just do a LinkedIn search and quickly find thousands of suitable people. The second part is tougher. You never know which ones in your LinkedIn search results have the time and interest to work with you.

This is where we at BOARDIO come to your rescue. Tell us briefly about your business and your needs at www.boardio.com/start, and we will search for suitable advisors for free. You will receive their anonymous applications and can decide if you want to continue with our premium services. Easy, fast, and cost-effective. And by the way, based on our recent survey among our advisors, 95% believe they can open doors to clients and partners either very or moderately effectively.

Give it a try today. It takes just 5 minutes of your time but can have a radical effect on your sales.